
You may subscribe to the E-DRUG electronic conference by filling out the form, below.

As a discussion list participant, you will receive information via a series of e-mail messages. If you wish to receive cumulative reports in fewer messages, then select e-drug-digest instead of the un-digested list. Digests containing the day's mail are sent once per day.

The frequency of the messages depends upon the level of participation of the E-DRUG membership.

Specify the e-mail address to subscribe:

You will receive an e-mail message confirming your membership in the conference along with more detailed instructions on how to participate, unsubscribe, and retrieve archive files.

Unsubscribe from E-DRUG

You may cancel your subscription at any time by sending an e-mail message to:

[email protected]

Include the following text in the BODY of the message:

unsubscribe e-drug [email protected] or
unsubscribe e-drug-digest [email protected]

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to successfully unsubscribe, please supply the e-mail address that was initially used to subscribe to the list. Other names or forwarded addresses that are not on the subscriberlist will not be recognized by software that handles all the messaging.

For additional assistance in unsubscribing, contact [email protected]