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[e-drug] Praziquantel - clarification

  • Subject: [e-drug] Praziquantel - clarification
  • From: [email protected]
  • Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 03:33:03 -0400 (EDT)

E-drug: Praziquantel - clarification

Following the message that I have sent out on the 10th of September 
entitled Praziquantel/help requested, and the first reactions to it 
that we have already received here in the World Health Organization, 
Iwould like to clarify the following:

	1.  There is no formal WHO initiative on Praziquantel.

	2.  Currently, WHO is collecting information (as per my previous
message) in order to identify any possible uncovered need to complement the
on-going excellent initiatives on Praziquantel, in view of the scaling up of
schistosomiasis  control activities in the endemic countries.

	3. For any information and queries on schistosomiasis control 
or the use of praziquantel please contact Dr Lorenzo Savioli 
([email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]>) and/or Dr Dirk Engels ([email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]>)."


thank you for your assistance

Dr. Mary Ellen Kitler
The DEC Project
World Health Organization
CH 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland

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